Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers day 2008

This mothers day was fun. It started out at my sisters house where she and I cooked breakfast for roughly 21 people. I love cooking breakfast though. I think it all stems back to my childhood when my dad would usually cook breakfast for us - complete with grits! Anyways, my grandma Knowlden even came with my mom and dad, so it was really nice to have her there. After breakfast and visiting we came home and I took a super long nap of about 3 hours, when I woke, we were getting ready to have a BBQ at the Izatts. We had yummy steak, with the absolute best BBQ beans in the world. The kids were able to throw some water balloons, and even got some Popsicles.

As I watched my children play today i thought how wonderful it is to be a mom. There is nothing else like it in the world. I thought about my grandma and how filled her life is, with the years that she has had watching her children grow, and then watching her grandchildren, and then to her great grandchildren. And how exciting it must be. And then I think about my mom, and how she feels watching her children all of them grown into adults, and they each have their own life, away from them, independent. My life is so full of my children, they are what makes my world revolve. I cant imagine what life would be like without them constantly there (well...except for the times Dustin and I have away from them to go on Destination weddings that is). I look at my children and think how much am I affecting them, when in reality they are probably affecting me more so. I have learned many things from them, from compassion to patience. Children are so special and wonderful, I know I wouldn't be the person that I am today if it weren't for them.

Happy Mothers Daya

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