Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ireland Day 1

We landed in NYC and flew to Dublin from there and our flight was very pleasant. We had dinner desert and breakfast. We were able to sleep fairly well for a long flight.
So when we arrived in Dublin we were shocked to find out that our rental car jumped from the price of $122 to $704. Because we HAD to have insurance, although if we had a CC that was unlimited we could waive the insurance (BC they put a hold of the entire car on the car, if anything were to happen), but since we didn't we had to purchase insurance.
Then we were on our way, we drove through Dublin, and to get a car that is manual and on the other side of the car is difficult in itself, not to mention getting use to driving on the other side of the road. Dustin had to learn to shift with his left hand, and drive on the other side of the road. He did very well if I do say so.
Our first destination was CORK County. As we were driving we saw Cullahill Castle and we thought it was so amazing so we stopped and got some pictures, but come to find what we thought was amazing was just something that was very ordinary for the landscape to come.
After we saw that we went to 3 other castles, I will add the names to them later since I dont remember them right now and Dustin is sleeping currently. The jet lag is still affecting us, but differently. It is 6:25PM at home and it is 1:26AM here.
I am very excited because we have been able to get many pictures of us by putting the camera on a flat surface and putting self timer on.
The Blarney Castle was amazing and we were able to kiss the Blarney stone to give us Eloquent Speech. They had some amaizng places by the Castle that were fantasy like. There was a rock shaped like a witch, and a fairy garden, and other really neat places.
It is very beautiful here everywhere you go there is breathtaking beauty all over.


  1. I hope you guys have an amazing trip and a safe travel home.

  2. Holy WOW - so much fun! You guys rock!!! Have a great trip.
